WFH Engineer

We can help you automate your job, so you can make the most of your time working from home. 

Automation is our Specialty

We help our clients find ways to automate their jobs so they can spend less time doing manual work and allow them to spend their time on the the things they truly value.

If you’re able to save even just an hour a day due to automation, that’s 20 hours a month you could devote to learning a new skill, spending time with your family, or just getting caught up on much needed sleep. Time is an increasingly valuable commodity and we can help you get it back. 

API Integration

We can leverage existing API’s to help integrate your workflows.

App Workflow Integration

We have a lot experience working to integrate different workflows between platforms leveraging maximum efficiency. 

AGILE Development

We abide by an AGILE philisophy, so we are both flexible in our development and accurate in our planning.

Database Expertise

Our team is composed of backend engineers who understand complex database structures and can help you with your data. 

Spreadsheet Scripting

Our team has Excel and Google Sheet experts that can script many of the tasks you do each day in your spreadsheets. 

SEO Expertise

If you have an at home business and need help with your SEO strategies, we have a proven track record of increasing organic results for our clients.  

Multiple Programming Languages

We have a variety of experts using many different programming languages, so that we have the flexibility to choose the right platform for your individual needs. 

Cost Benefit Analysis

We can help you calculate whether automation is right for you.  It will help you decide which tasks are worth the investments and which should be left alone. 

Work with Us To Improve Your Processes

We’ve got years of experience consulting out clients, helping them find solutions to their workflows.  We can introduce you to software and platforms that speed up your processes,  and enhance reporting and metrics. 

Automate Workflows

Cutting edge technology and integrations connect platforms and businesses.  Share with us your current workflows and lets see if we can find a way to streamline them for you.  

Our passion is streamlining existing workflows. Nothing brings us more joy than smoothing out bumpy processes.  They’re a win-win for everyone.  Less mistakes, and more time doing efficient work.

Reduce Cognitive Load

The hallmark of automation is the real reduction in cognitive load.  

Set it and forget it, what we strive to do.  With the proper integrations you should be able to spend your cognitive cycles on creative and important work, leaving the mundane tasks to the programmers.

Reach Your Goals

Spend more time focusing on your goals.  A side effect of freeing yourself with automation is both more time and more cognitive bandwidth to focus on what’s important. 

What are your goals?  Perhaps you’ve never had the time to really sit down and work them out.  Reducing your workload should provide you more opportunity to think about where you want to be in the future and how to get there. 

They helped streamline my spreadsheets, and cut my working time in half!

Due to Covid-19, I started working from home.  Kevin was able help me integrate shipping API data directly into my spreadsheets.  This saved me hours a day, which I can now spend with playing with my kids. 

Jimi Novax, Shipping Analysist



Do you think you can help me, I’m not sure my work is automatable? 

We’re usually able to help everyone make some improvements to their workflows.  Even if their work doesn’t seem to be a good candidate, for example creative work like artists.  We’re often able to help with other parts of their workflow, like distribution, marketing or e-commerce. 

What software platforms can you integrate?

Slack, Gmail, Google Sheets, Mail Chimp, Facebook, Trello, Google Drive, etc… 100’s of apps.  We can also integrate with almost any API that is publicly available. 

Do you have a risk free trial?

We work on a 50% deposit model, so that commitments are made on both sides. This ensures risk is shared between us and our clients.  We’ve found this to be the most beneficial system and much less headache than escrow or pay after delivery.  

Who will I be working with?

Our founder Kevin Major tries to meet all clients for their initial consultation.  However, due to scheduling availability that isn’t always possible and you may meet with some of our other Automation Consultants. 

Why isn't your Consultation free?

Our philosophy is that time is money and we value our employees time as much as we do our clients.  In our experience, if clients are paying for a consultation they’re much more likely to be prepared for and make efficient use of our consulting appointment.

Why are there Monthly Costs?

Depending on the type of automation we do, there are sometimes small monthly costs associated with paying for API services and other intergration platforms.  Before we agree on any automation solutions, we’ll make any recurring costs clear to you.   

Your Hourly Rate Seems High?

You can absolutely find lower per hour developers.  However, you’ll often find even though their hourly rate is lower, the number of hours billed will likely be higher.  We will never bill in excess our initial time estimates (unless project scope changes),  but often we come in well below the time estimates provided. 

Submit a Request for Review

If you have a good idea about what you want to automate, you can simply provide us a writeup of what you’re looking to do and we can often workout many of the details through chat, without a formal consultation. 

Workflow Walkthrough

Our standard process is for a video call with you to have you walk us through your process and we’ll take notes and review with you what we think we can help to automate.  This usually take about 90 minutes depending on the complexity of your workflow. 

Ready to get started?

Get In Touch or Schedule a Consultation